Welcome to the blog of the Gloucestershire cross-slab survey. Cross-slabs are a class of medieval stone grave markers which are decorated with a cross motif; they are most commonly found at churches and monastic sites, although some are held in museums. The survey aims to record all surviving medieval cross-slabs across Gloucestershire, compile a gazetteer database, and publish a corpus of Gloucestershire cross-slabs.

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The study of  cross-slabs dates back to the 19th century, in recent years the leading expert has been Peter Ryder, whose work on northern English cross-slabs has established the benchmark for recording and study. He has published extensively on cross-slabs including several county-wide systematic surveys in the north of England. Along with Aleksandra McLean of York University he runs the Cross Slabs in Northern England project https://sites.google.com/site/crossslabs/about-the-project

For more information on Gloucestershire cross-slabs see Bris. & Glos. Arch. Soc. Trans. 91 (1972) pp 150-8, “The Cross-Slabs of Gloucestershire”  by Ruth F Butler and Leslie J Jones, which is available as a free download from the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society website http://www.bgas.org.uk/code/browse.php?vnum=91.

For a general introduction to cross-slabs see Ecclesiology Today vol 43 (2010) pp 29-44 'Abused, neglected and forgotten: the story of the medieval cross-slab" by Brian and Moira Gittos.

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